Staff Applications

NWMUN-Portland 2018's Executive Secretariat.

Applicants for BOTH NWMUN-Seattle 2018 and NWMUN-Portland 2019

If you are interested in being considered for both NWMUN-Seattle 2018 AND NWMUN-Portland 2019, please fill out an application for NWMUN-Seattle. Within each application, you will have the option of indicating interest in staffing Seattle alone; staffing both Seattle and Portland; or staffing Seattle, but being considered for Portland if there is no position available at Seattle. Please check the appropriate box. If you are not interested in staffing at NWMUN-Seattle 2018, please apply for NWMUN-Portland 2019 only using the instructions below.

NWMUN-Portland 2019

Northwest Model United Nations is looking for qualified individuals to serve on staff for NWMUN-Portland 2019!

Please submit all other applications through the online system linked below (attached completed addenda to the form itself, along with resumes - do not email).

For inquiries related to applications for Executive Secretariat, please email

For inquiries related to applications for other staff positions, please email